Thursday, October 8, 2009

Update on Larry - 10/08/09

Well, it's been 3 months (almost) since my last update. It's been a time of ups and downs -- tears & laughter -- pain & sorrow. Today is his first day on LTD (Long Term Disability) which means a 50% cut in pay. Larry will get a check tomorrow, one (probably a partial check) on the following Friday and then no more Lockheed checks until he can go back to work. We don't get his LTD check until 10/27 which is supposed to last us the month.

I'll try to update you on everything:

CPAP Machine - This is going well, he no longer has to have me adjust and we are getting to bed at a more decent time.

Rehab - He was going to Rehab 3 times a week up until the week before last. He is now finished with his Rehab. He had his neuro psyche re-evaluation last week. The test lasted form 8:30am to 6:00pm. This will determine his ability to return to work. We get the results on Monday, 10/12.

Driving - He still is not driving. He needs to be tested by Emory who will give him both a written and driving test. He has been cleared by the Neuro Ophthalmologist to drive. We feel he will pass this test without any issues. We have not scheduled this test as we are awaiting the results of the neuro psyche test. The driving test costs $500 and we don't want to have to take it twice.

Short Term Memory - Larry continues to struggle with this but works hard at improving it every day. He will always have issues with this but Emory has equipped him on how to compensate for this.

Processing Skills - Larry still take time to process things. To most people, he looks and appears to be normal. This will be the hardest thing for him going back to work because he will appear to be like he was before. He's not. When he returns to work, Emory will only let him go back part time for the first few weeks building to a full work week.

Sight - Larry's sight continues to improve. He has only a small area that is impaired. His eyes make up for this deficiency.

Other - Larry has been able to deal with life in general pretty well, now. He no longer has problems when there is a lot of things going on at one time. He can sit and watch an entire movie without any problems.

B/P & Cholesterol - Larry's Cholesterol is excellent. His bad Cholesterol was only 65. This is great. His good Cholesterol is 29 and could be a little higher. Larry's diet is the reason for this great improvement. His BP has been pretty good until this past week. It's been down in the 110/70's. The doctor lowered the dose of BP medicine. I think with the stress of realizing that he hasn't been released back to work yet, mainly because of the financial burden and stress that puts on me (his words, not mine) has cause his BP to go up to 140/92. This is still not that bad, but Larry is concerned. The doctor adjusted his meds accordingly.

My Work - I'm still working 1 to 2 days a week, depending on what else is going on that week. My boss has been quite accommodating re: my work schedule.

Nathan - He started college in August and is doing well. He goes to Georgia Highlands College and attends the Cartersville, Paulding & Southern Poly campuses. He goes to school Tu - Fri.

We'll update you when we get the results next week.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Update on Larry - 7/13/09

A lot has gone on and changed in the last month. I didn't update at first because there was nothing to report -- then we got so busy with Rehab & my mom came to stay so I didn't have time to update. Larry has had great success with the CPAP machine which prevents his Sleep Apnea. No more snoring!!! Now he says I snore but this is due mostly to the lack of sleep. It's a huge process for him to get ready for bed. Sometimes we do not get to bed until 2 am. Then I have to adjust to his machine and him getting up early in the morning. I told him that it's a good thing we don't have small children as he's pretty scary to look at with his mask, hose, chin strap, etc. If he'd let me take a picture, I'd post it :-)

Larry has rehab at Emory 3 times a week, (I'm working 2 days a week). I could use help taking him to Emory especially dropping him off on Wednesdays. I would still like to be able to work in the Library but Wednesday rehab prevents this unless I can get someone to take him. If you are interested, please let me now. I can bring him to church and you can take him from there. I'll pick him up from Emory.

Nathan got his license back -- yeah -- so that is one less person I have to tote around. Amen!!! My mom is here until mid August. Please pray for the interaction between all family members and my mom. It can be difficult at times.

Larry has had extensive evaluations at Emory including one by a NeuroPsychologist. We will receive the results of that evaluation on Thursday, 7/16. This will tell us where Larry is psychologically and show his ability to work, etc.

Larry mostly struggles with short term memory loss. He remembers people's names now with little trouble. Most people can barely tell he had a stroke. He still struggles with day to day processes and remembering where he puts things, etc. It takes him a long time to do things. They are working with him at Emory to improve this. He feels like he works so hard all day long and gets nothing done. Pray for him.
Larry's ability to handle multiple things and what I call "Chaos" has greatly improved. He even managed to plan me a 50th Birthday Celebration which was so nice. I do not have any pictures yet of that event so I can't post them. If anyone took pictures, please send them to me. I forgot my camera!!! He attends church now and likes to go to the mall or Walmart to watch people. For some reason, the activity of watching people stimulates his vision and it improves every time he goes. If anyone ever wants to take him to the mall for an hour or so, please contact us. Larry's moods have also evened out and we have fewer up and down days.

Larry had a follow-up visit with the Opthamologist a week ago. His vision has GREATLY IMPROVED. They did a "Field-of-Vision" test and where originally (immediately after the stroke) half of his vision was missing, now only maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of his vision is impaired -- it's mostly distorted. This is huge. He still has another 3 months where he could greatly improve.

Next week we meet with the Neurologist and Medical doctor. I'll update you once these appts have happened.

Thank you all for your prayers and concerns.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Update on Larry - 6/9/09

We saw the Pulmonary Specialist this morning. She read the test results and said that he was waking up at least 10 times in an hour when he didn't have the mask on. After getting tested with the mask -- he only woke up once. He also was only sleeping about 39% of the time. Oxygen level was lower than 80% which is NOT good. The mask is on order and he should have it within the week. So, once we get this mask, we are praying that this will lower his BP.

Occupational, Speech & Physical Therapies will start shortly. They will want him to come in 3 times a week to Emory. I have requested mid day appts so that we can avoid traffic so I will really need to get help transporting him to and from Emory Rehab in Atlanta. If you would be willing to do this once a week or once every couple weeks, or just once... please let me know.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Larry made it to Nathan's Graduation 5-23-09

Had to write a quick note and let everyone know that Larry made it to Nathan's graduation. We had to leave early, but Larry got to see Nathan walk and get his diploma. Thanks for praying!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Larry's Update - 5/21/09 - Thursday

We have lots of MAJOR news to share with you today, but let me preface that with the words from Larry's journal this morning (I don't think the man ever stops thinking):
"Today is another day. The elephant tromped through the extremely ta
ll bountiful grass disturbing the rodent tenants asleep beneath the lush foliage."
Note, he's practicing his writing, not writing a book for children. The rest of the words were too technical to write but Larry says they are true.

We met with the PCP (Primary Care Physi
cian) this afternoon and got the results from the Sleep Study TEST they did last week and the Sonogram they did yesterday. First of all, NO BLOCKAGE at all!!! Praise God. Secondly, Larry has "Bad" Sleep Apnea (I could have saved the insurance company $4,000 and told them that). It's the worst case the doctor has ever witnessed. This may very well be why his BP is so high. At one point, he did not breathe for 79 seconds. That's a long time. Stop and count! What does this mean? :

1) He can now be put on Ace Inhibitors to control th
e HBP which work much better.

2) He returns for a 2nd Sleep Study Test at the end of next week so that they can determine if the mask will work to help him to not snore and stop breathing. P
ray for great results. The doctor has prescribed Lunesta for him to sleep and he had his first decent night's sleep last night in weeks. He slept 11 hours total only getting up a couple times.

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This coming Saturday, May 23rd, Nathan graduates from High School and we are praying that Larry can make it to the graduation ceremony. The following Tuesday, May 26, Nathan turns 18. Where has the time gone? Sorry, had to brag about Nathan's photos. He's very photogenic and the studio had him sign a model's release so they could put his photos on their wall. The black & white one is my favorite of Nathan as it is so natural. The photographer let me pose a couple of the photos (I was going to go to Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, CA at one time -- then I decided to join a folk rock band and live in the back of a VW Van -- go figure!) Anyway, it was fun to get to work in a studio. Hint--I posed the photos with his guitar.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Larry's Update - Friday 5/15/09

We saw the Primary Care Physician (PCP) on Tuesday. He is not concerned with Larry's arm/leg issue but wants us to see the Neurologist sooner than the 6/2 appt. He wants to make sure that Larry gets Physical Therapy (P/T). They are supposed to come Friday.

Saw the Neurologist on Thursday. He says that the issue with the heavy feeling and lack of control with the arm is usual for stroke victims and often happens after the stroke like this did. He said that the fact that his BP went up so high when he had to call 911 might have been what caused it to appear. He is very concerned with Larry's BP. It has been around 145/90. He wants to see 90-110/60-80 and wants us to call the PCP to see about increasing the meds. He doesn't want Larry to have another stroke. I called the PCP and he wants me to double his Toprol and see him in a week.

The PT came today and evaluated Larry and said that Larry didn't need him. This is frustrating. The PCP and Neurologist want him to have PT but they keep saying he doesn't need it. Urggh!!!

Larry's vision is continuing to improve. He is encouraged with that. He seems really good today. We continue to create an environment that is stress free. Thanks again for the prayers and meals. They are a blessing!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Larry's Update - Monday, 5/11/09

Larry saw little improvement with his right arm/leg this weekend. He says it's like they weigh a ton. He tires easily. He got a couple phone calls today which he appreciated. It's good for him to hear from people.

We see his primary care physician tomorrow so we will know more what to expect after that. I'm not sure if we will be seeing the neurologist this week or not. We'll know more tomorrow.
He will see the Physical Therapist on Friday to start therapy. I haven't heard from the Occupational or Speech Therapist yet.

By the way, Larry said my drawing below was pretty accurate -- just more clear than he sees, but he said I got the picture (pardon the pun).

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Larry's Update - 5/8/09

Larry still did not feel good this am. He's having a sluggish feeling in his right arm and leg. Not a loss of strength, more of a delayed reaction to movement.

We saw the Ophthalmologist this AM. He said that Larry's eyes were still perfectly normal. His vision has not worsened, which is good. Larry described to the doctor and to me what he sees. This is my best description of what he sees. Note, he sees this way out of both of his eyes. He sees multiple ghost images plus a distortion that tends to get larger the farther right the object is. The distortion is much greater than this as he can barely identify the letters or objects to the right, but I'm not that great of an artist. Everything to the left of his focal point is perfect. He has a tendency to walk into objects on his right if he is not careful.

After seeing the eye doctor, we stopped by the
neurologists office and the nurse took a look at him. She was not concerned with his symptoms and said that is very normal for stroke victims. I think this helped Larry to know that.

Then we saw his medical doctor in the afternoon and that doctor said that he was not concerned with Larry's symptoms. He tested Larry's right side and found nothing alarming. He wants to see Larry Tuesday or Wednesday as a followup to his BP. He said, even if they found something else, his treatment would be the same. Larry asked him if his sleep apnea could be adding to his BP, etc. Doctor said yes and ordered a sleep study test. He also recommended continuation of Occupational, Physical & Speech theraphies.

Pray for Larry as he adjusts to the meds and deals with all the appts.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Larry's update 5/7/09 PM

Larry stayed all day and I spoke to the medical doctor this afternoon and was advised that they are trying to get his BP under control and they seem to finally have a handle on it. If a change in meds doesn't work, then they will send him to a kidney specialist as they have had great success controlling high BP with that type of doctor. Go figure? Also, they want him to check in with their office tomorrow to have a BP check.

Larry was advised he'd been released around 4:30pm. So I left work early to go get him. After watching a 10 minute video on strokes, we packed up his stuff and headed home. We've hauled more stuff home than a week's worth of vacation souvenirs. Anyone need rubber gloves??? I have two boxes!!!

Larry is feeling very, very groggy. He hates that feeling so he is NOT happy. Pray he adjusts well to the meds and that they do not affect him in a bothersome way. Thank you for your prayers & meals!

Larry's update 5/7/09

Well, we had quite a day yesterday. I went to work at the GCC Library, which is my usual for Wednesday AM. Met my friend Julie for a movie and when I got out at 3:15pm I had a voicemail message from Larry. Larry called the doctor because he woke up from a nap feeling funny. The doctor told him to call 911. I called the hospital right away but they had not arrived yet so I headed that way. Larry sounded pretty calm on the phone so I wasn't too terribly worried. I got to the hosptial ER and found Larry in the hallway where he stayed until 12:30am (this morning). They did bloodwork, a CT Scan and an MRI. Everything showed no issues. But the doctor kept him overnite because his BP is so high. It was 202/124 when the paramedics brought him in. It was down most of the day but then it went up again a little in the evening. They can't figure out why it's so high. Doctor wanted to play it safe. I went home to check on Nathan and to get dinner (around 11:00pm).

Pray they find out why his BP is so high. I think they are going to try different meds.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Larry's Update - 5/3/09

Larry has been doing great these past few days. Friday night he went with us to the Marietta Diner to have dinner with Nathan, his date, Cija Smith, and Cija's mom before they went to the prom. Larry did very well considering all the chaos there. He said he got to a point where he just tuned out all the commotion and was able to deal with all the noise that way. I don't think Nathan knew what to think with Larry being so much less social than he usually is. It seemed strange. Usually he's the one doing the talking.

This week we see the Medical Doctor and the Ophthalmologist. Pray those appts go well. Larry's eyesight continues to improve slightly. He seems to notice the most improvement when we are out driving on the freeway. Larry has bee
n taking walks in the neighborhood which does him good. He always calls me before he goes for a walk and he tells me that he carries his ID, medical insurance card & a note with my name and phone number on it when he goes. Is this man prepared, or what? Thank you again for all of you who are preparing meals and praying. They are greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Larry's Update - 4/28/09

I took Larry to the Neurologist this AM. It was an encouraging visit. The doctor said that Larry should continue to improve with both his memory and vision loss. He expects that the nerves will rewire themselves bringing Larry's vision and memory back to or close to his before-stroke condition. He said that he will see the most improvement in the first 3 months. Then there will be some continued improvement between 3-6 months. Generally, after 6 months, a stroke victim will not see great improvement. So.... Larry has some work ahead of him but he is not afraid of that. I told the doctor that Larry is a therapist's dream.

Larry did notice on his way to the doctor, that his vision has improved on his right side. He can actually see a little more than the left half of his field-of-vision and the items on the right side are more recognizable. He can recognize colors and shapes but not the details. Things are still distorted, but will continue to improve in the coming months. The neurologist will not release him to drive yet, but will have an occupational therapist drive with Larry in a couple months to determine whether or not it is safe for him to drive. (Sooner if Larry sees remarkable improvement). This doctor mainly addressed the vision issues vs. the memory loss, but is confident that Larry's continued work at re-learning things will help his brain re-wire faster. We go back in 2 months at the latest.

Over the weekend, some of our longtime neighbors, Steve & Cherie, stopped by and talked with Larry & I for a bit. Then Steve said he was going to go get his twin boys, David & Paul, and pick up the branches in our yard. Larry had been working on trying to get our mower fixed the weekend before he had the stroke so we hadn't been able to mow the lawn. Then, another one of our dear neighbors, Gary, saw Steve and his boys working in the yard and asked what was going on. Steve told him about Larry's stroke and then Gary got his mower and mowed our lawn. What great neighbors!!!

Thank you to everyone who has offered a lending hand, word of encouragement, meal, prayer, etc. They are all greatly appreciated.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Larry's Update - 4/24/09

I took Larry out to dinner last night. It was the first time he's been out since the Monday after Easter. It was good for him. I took him to a place with not very much activity so that he wouldn't be overwhelmed. He really got a kick out of watching the cars disappear as they drove by before they were out of his vision site. It must be strange to have partial vision. Imagine scooping up a spoonful of something and bringing it up to your mouth and it all of a sudden appearing before your eyes. No handle, or hand for that matter. Just your spoon tip. Strange, huh?

Larry has been practicing excercises to help his brain think. He also checked with his doctor and switched his medicines so that he takes the one that makes him so drowsy at night instead of during the day. I think yesterday was the first day he didn't take a nap during the day.

I did not see as much clarity with Larry today. This past weekend was much better. He spends his days reading, researching the internet, tinkering on the piano and singing. Most of you don't know he has a beautiful tenor voice. Now that he is relaxed, it sounds really good.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Larry's Update - 4/23/09

Some of you have been asking some general questions and I thought I'd address them here in case others have the same questions and to update you.

First of all, Larry is NOT back at work.
Larry is on a "Medical" Leave-of-Absence at 100% pay right now. The doctor will NOT discuss releasing him for another couple weeks after he's seen the vascular, neurology, medical & ophthalmology doctors once more. His doctor will NOT allow him to drive. He has NOT left the house since he left the hospital except to go to Easter Dinner and the doctor's office. His vision has NOT improved. His memory HAS improved immensely. He still struggles with words for certain things, but overall, he has improved greatly. You would probably not notice that he struggles. This is a blessing. Thank you, Lord.

He works constantly at taking in as much information as possible. Larry continues to work at studying his C++ book. For those of you who are not computer literate, C++ is a type of computer Language. This is what they are writing the new software in for Larry's work. Larry is a Software Engineer.

A friend from church gave us a wonderful book about the brain that Larry is absolutely devouring. Thanks, Cindy! He's trying to retrain his brain to see what it does not want to see. He feels very positive about this.

I am still working 4 days a week (M-Tu-Th-F), but try to leave early when Larry needs me home. I am the only driver in the household. (Nathan doesn't get his license back until possibly 5-20-09).

Monday, April 20, 2009

Larry's Update 4/20/09

Sorry I haven't updated you lately but the weekend was busy. Larry had an excellent weekend as far as his memory went. I saw a huge improvement. He still gets his dates wrong and is quick to forget new stuff, but is able to pull information out of "storage" more quickly now. This is huge! He seems more clear of mind but still does not do well with multiple things going on -- that's why he was not up to going to church this Sunday. I think that would overload him. John Harris called him Saturday PM and I listened in on the conversation and Larry did really well. The only thing I detected that was incorrect was that he is NOT having surgery on the arteries in his neck, John. They did a scan and are going to do a 3-D reconstruction of that arteries going to his kidneys to see if there are any issues, but have not heard the results of that yet. He still gets this kind of information mixed up.

THE CAT CAME HOME!!!!! Thanks for praying!

Again, thank you for your prayers and you are welcome to call Larry and talk to him. Mornings are best. Try to limit calls to 5 or 10 minutes if you don't mind.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Larry's Update - 4/17/09

Larry was a bit more tired today than he was yesterday. He said he didn't feel like doing a whole lot (I think he overdid it yesterday -- you should have seen him). He tends to do best in the morning hours and then starts to wind down in the afternoon. If you want to call him, mornings are best.

He started to watch a movie with Nathan & I but he got overwhelmed with it. I'm not surprised, it was quite an involved movie. Futuristic, loud, not the thing to recommend for Larry. He went back in our room and read.

I'm finding myself a little overwhelmed today -- feeling the burden of everything on me. I know that God will see me through this, but my human nature kicks in when I think of having to make sure Larry's medical & physical needs are taken care of along with everything else. I'm having a hard time balancing work & home because I'm torn between doing a good job at work and being home for Larry. I've been trying to leave work early -- especially when Larry is having a tough day. This helps. Pray for my endurance.

Thanks again for your prayers. I will continue to keep you updated.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Larry's Update - 4/16/09

Larry had a great day today. The Occupational Therapist came by and evaluated Larry and said there was no need for him to return to do therapy with Larry. He encouraged Larry to do as many things as possible and not to worry about overload. He advised Larry to not get frustrated but to stop and pause if he runs into an obstacle. He feels that Larry’s eyesight will improve to the point where he won’t even notice he has a problem. The eyes are amazing.
Larry spent a lot of time going around the house and doing things including identifying objects. He did a couple dishes, read a lot, spent some time on the phone with his son Jason, who lives in Italy. He e-mailed some people and talked to a couple people on the phone. He handled this quite well.
This evening he spent some time reading an online book about C++ .... oh, joy!!! Just how I would like to spend my evening. I teased Larry and told him I could picture him going to work and having no trouble programming, etc., but that he probably couldn't find his pencil. He laughed.
He has a lot of energy tonight -- I may have to tie him down once he gets going. I also didn't see as much repeating of sentences. Thank you for all your prayers -- they are helping.

Larry's Update - 4/15/09

Larry had a fairly busy day today. Probably his first day being somewhat normal. The speech therapist came out (this is the person who will work on his memory). That went well and they gave him homework to do trying to identify objects around the house. He went over the taxes and got them mailed. I feel good about that. He managed to turn on the computer for the first time since he’s been home. He was trying to read an online book about C++ to see how much he remembers. I told him he was trying to do too much. He’s persistent!!! He did a lot of reading which gave him no trouble except for the little 2-letter words like “it”. He got a little agitated with Nathan who doesn’t seem to notice that dad is not quite himself yet. I guess that’s a good sign. It’s really hard to notice that he had a stroke except that he repeats himself a lot and has a little trouble identifying things quickly. He seems to remember what day of the week it is now and the things he is relearning seem to be sticking and take less time to recall. I see a significant improvement compared to a couple days ago. His occupational therapist is supposed to come out on Thursday.

Specifically pray that he will be patient with himself. I don’t know many people who would take the initiative to do the things he’s doing to get better. He’s a therapist’s dream. Larry – you get an “A+”.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Larry - Tuesday PM, 4/14

Larry had a great day. He stayed home by himself all day which he said did him some good. He practiced writing words which he said helped him greatly. He has a stack of words sorted out by the letters of the alphabet and cut into little squares. I guess OCD runs in the family. Love ya, Larry!!!!

He finished the taxes and, although he had to take his time, he did a great job. Physical Therapist came out and said that there was NO NEED for Physical Therapy. An Occupational Therapist will come out tomorrow and then they will have a Speech Therapist help him with his word association.

I see improvement today and am very thankful for that. Praise God!

Larry's Stroke 4/8 through 4/14

Wed PM 4/8: He got home from work on Wednesday night got out of his car and his eyesight was blurred and partially impaired on the right side. He told me he thought his retina was detaching. I took him to the ER. They found his BP to be 200/110. They did some tests but counted it as high blood pressure and prescribed a HBP medicine. We got home at 3am with the generic drugs.

Thurs AM 4/9: Larry says he feels fine so he goes to work. He thought his vision was ok. I thought he should stay home. He goes to work -- then around 10am, his vision starts getting blurry, etc. He gets an appt with an Opthomologist at 1pm that day.
Thurs 1PM: He sees the Opthomologist and the Opth realizes that Larry might have had a stroke and tells him to get into his medical doctor right away. I make the appt and tell him I'll come get him and take him (I'm at work 45 min away). He says NO he'll drive. Insists. Can't remember how to get to the freeway, though. I told him NOT to drive. He does. The med doc examines him and agrees that he may have had a stroke and insists that he check into the hospital right away. Med doc refuses to let Larry drive (good man) so I come get him and take him.
Thurs 5PM: I get Larry checked into the hospital and he sees the neurologist who orders MRI of brain and arteries in neck plus an EKG.

Fri AM 4/10: Gets tests done
Fri afternoon: Get results -- there has been a moderate stroke. Right Quadrant still not able to see and short term memory loss. Larry can't remember names, or what he's told you or done. Repeats himself a lot. Doctor asks him all kinds of questions. Some of them are quite entertaining: Doctor: How long have you been taking ADD meds?
Larry: Oh, about 6 mos.
Me: No doctor, he's been taking them for 2 years
Doctor: Who prescribed the ADD meds?
Larry: My Eye doctor
Me: No
Larry: I mean my primary care physician
Doctor: I'm your primary care physician (We were laughing at this point)
Doctor: How old is your mom?
Larry: 62
Me: No
Doctor: Larry, you're 56, are you sure she's 62?
He finally had to calculate it because he knew what year she was born (1925) and then he could figure it out.

Sat 4/11: More tests. Results show no blockage in arteries in neck but they are checking the ones leading to the kidneys. They will do a 3-D Reconstruction of that area on Monday and determine what options are (stint, etc.) This will be done by the Vascular doctor. BP still high but it being Easter tomorrow, they let him go home. We get home around 8PM.

Sun 4/12 EASTER: We stay home in the AM -- Larry tired and I'm concerned that it will be too much for him to go to church -- he doesn't recognize people's names and gets them confused. We have a lovely Easter meal at the O'Days -- thank you. Some normalcy was nice.

Mon 4/13: Take Larry to the medical doctor. No change in vision -- still can't see anything to the right. Memory a little better but not much. He can read, but doesn't know his alphabet. Can calculate numbers but does not know the numbers. It's really strange. Doctor says no driving or work for at least 3 weeks. Requests follow up with Neurologist and Opthamologist. We will see Vascular doctor in a month.

Tues 4/14: Larry feels great today. Rested. A little bored but struggles with simple tasks like where to find a bowl and what a microwave does. He looks at an object and has to think a long time before he can figure out what it is. I caught him looking for the milk in the pantry. Simple things we take for granted. Physical Therapist is supposed to come out starting today. Thankfully, they will come to the house as I am the only designated driver in the house and I work outside the home.

Prayer Requests: That Larry's memory & vision will return to normal. For patience for him -- he's being a wonderful patient. For endurance for me to deal with all of this. Nathan lost his license so I have to drive him everywhere also. FUN!