Thursday, April 16, 2009

Larry's Update - 4/15/09

Larry had a fairly busy day today. Probably his first day being somewhat normal. The speech therapist came out (this is the person who will work on his memory). That went well and they gave him homework to do trying to identify objects around the house. He went over the taxes and got them mailed. I feel good about that. He managed to turn on the computer for the first time since he’s been home. He was trying to read an online book about C++ to see how much he remembers. I told him he was trying to do too much. He’s persistent!!! He did a lot of reading which gave him no trouble except for the little 2-letter words like “it”. He got a little agitated with Nathan who doesn’t seem to notice that dad is not quite himself yet. I guess that’s a good sign. It’s really hard to notice that he had a stroke except that he repeats himself a lot and has a little trouble identifying things quickly. He seems to remember what day of the week it is now and the things he is relearning seem to be sticking and take less time to recall. I see a significant improvement compared to a couple days ago. His occupational therapist is supposed to come out on Thursday.

Specifically pray that he will be patient with himself. I don’t know many people who would take the initiative to do the things he’s doing to get better. He’s a therapist’s dream. Larry – you get an “A+”.

1 comment:

Karen in GA said...

Good news, Doneine. I'm glad he's coming along fine. Thanks for these updates--its easier to pray. Don't sneeze and send all those little word cards flying! What a hoot!!