We saw the Ophthalmologist this AM. He said that Larry's eyes were still perfectly normal. His vision has not worsened, which is good. Larry described to the doctor and to me what he sees. This is my best description of what he sees. Note, he sees this way out of both of his eyes. He sees multiple ghost images plus a disto

After seeing the eye doctor, we stopped by the neurologists office and the nurse took a look at him. She was not concerned with his symptoms and said that is very normal for stroke victims. I think this helped Larry to know that.
Then we saw his medical doctor in the afternoon and that doctor said that he was not concerned with Larry's symptoms. He tested Larry's right side and found nothing alarming. He wants to see Larry Tuesday or Wednesday as a followup to his BP. He said, even if they found something else, his treatment would be the same. Larry asked him if his sleep apnea could be adding to his BP, etc. Doctor said yes and ordered a sleep study test. He also recommended continuation of Occupational, Physical & Speech theraphies.
Pray for Larry as he adjusts to the meds and deals with all the appts.
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