Had to write a quick note and let everyone know that Larry made it to Nathan's graduation. We had to leave early, but Larry got to see Nathan walk and get his diploma. Thanks for praying!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Larry's Update - 5/21/09 - Thursday
We have lots of MAJOR news to share with you today, but let me preface that with the words from Larry's journal this morning (I don't think the man ever stops thinking):
"Today is another day. The elephant tromped through the extremely tall bountiful grass disturbing the rodent tenants asleep beneath the lush foliage."
Note, he's practicing his writing, not writing a book for children. The rest of the words were too technical to write but Larry says they are true.
We met with the PCP (Primary Care Physician) this afternoon and got the results from the Sleep Study TEST they did last week and the Sonogram they did yesterday. First of all, NO BLOCKAGE at all!!! Praise God. Secondly, Larry has "Bad" Sleep Apnea (I could have saved the insurance company $4,000 and told them that). It's the worst case the doctor has ever witnessed. This may very well be why his BP is so high. At one point, he did not breathe for 79 seconds. That's a long time. Stop and count! What does this mean? :
1) He can now be put on Ace Inhibitors to control the HBP which work much better.
2) He returns for a 2nd Sleep Study Test at the end of next week so that they can determine if the mask will work to help him to not snore and stop breathing. Pray for great results. The doctor has prescribed Lunesta for him to sleep and he had his first decent night's sleep last night in weeks. He slept 11 hours total only getting up a couple times.
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This coming Saturday, May 23rd, Nathan graduates from High School and we are praying that Larry can make it to the graduation ceremony. The following Tuesday, May 26, Nathan turns 18. Where has the time gone? Sorry, had to brag about Nathan's photos. He's very photogenic and the studio had him sign a model's release so they could put his photos on their wall. The black & white one is my favorite of Nathan as it is so natural. The photographer let me pose a couple of the photos (I was going to go to Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, CA at one time -- then I decided to join a folk rock band and live in the back of a VW Van -- go figure!) Anyway, it was fun to get to work in a studio. Hint--I posed the photos with his guitar.
"Today is another day. The elephant tromped through the extremely tall bountiful grass disturbing the rodent tenants asleep beneath the lush foliage."
Note, he's practicing his writing, not writing a book for children. The rest of the words were too technical to write but Larry says they are true.
We met with the PCP (Primary Care Physician) this afternoon and got the results from the Sleep Study TEST they did last week and the Sonogram they did yesterday. First of all, NO BLOCKAGE at all!!! Praise God. Secondly, Larry has "Bad" Sleep Apnea (I could have saved the insurance company $4,000 and told them that). It's the worst case the doctor has ever witnessed. This may very well be why his BP is so high. At one point, he did not breathe for 79 seconds. That's a long time. Stop and count! What does this mean? :
1) He can now be put on Ace Inhibitors to control the HBP which work much better.
2) He returns for a 2nd Sleep Study Test at the end of next week so that they can determine if the mask will work to help him to not snore and stop breathing. Pray for great results. The doctor has prescribed Lunesta for him to sleep and he had his first decent night's sleep last night in weeks. He slept 11 hours total only getting up a couple times.
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This coming Saturday, May 23rd, Nathan graduates from High School and we are praying that Larry can make it to the graduation ceremony. The following Tuesday, May 26, Nathan turns 18. Where has the time gone? Sorry, had to brag about Nathan's photos. He's very photogenic and the studio had him sign a model's release so they could put his photos on their wall. The black & white one is my favorite of Nathan as it is so natural. The photographer let me pose a couple of the photos (I was going to go to Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, CA at one time -- then I decided to join a folk rock band and live in the back of a VW Van -- go figure!) Anyway, it was fun to get to work in a studio. Hint--I posed the photos with his guitar.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Larry's Update - Friday 5/15/09
We saw the Primary Care Physician (PCP) on Tuesday. He is not concerned with Larry's arm/leg issue but wants us to see the Neurologist sooner than the 6/2 appt. He wants to make sure that Larry gets Physical Therapy (P/T). They are supposed to come Friday.
Saw the Neurologist on Thursday. He says that the issue with the heavy feeling and lack of control with the arm is usual for stroke victims and often happens after the stroke like this did. He said that the fact that his BP went up so high when he had to call 911 might have been what caused it to appear. He is very concerned with Larry's BP. It has been around 145/90. He wants to see 90-110/60-80 and wants us to call the PCP to see about increasing the meds. He doesn't want Larry to have another stroke. I called the PCP and he wants me to double his Toprol and see him in a week.
The PT came today and evaluated Larry and said that Larry didn't need him. This is frustrating. The PCP and Neurologist want him to have PT but they keep saying he doesn't need it. Urggh!!!
Larry's vision is continuing to improve. He is encouraged with that. He seems really good today. We continue to create an environment that is stress free. Thanks again for the prayers and meals. They are a blessing!!!
Saw the Neurologist on Thursday. He says that the issue with the heavy feeling and lack of control with the arm is usual for stroke victims and often happens after the stroke like this did. He said that the fact that his BP went up so high when he had to call 911 might have been what caused it to appear. He is very concerned with Larry's BP. It has been around 145/90. He wants to see 90-110/60-80 and wants us to call the PCP to see about increasing the meds. He doesn't want Larry to have another stroke. I called the PCP and he wants me to double his Toprol and see him in a week.
The PT came today and evaluated Larry and said that Larry didn't need him. This is frustrating. The PCP and Neurologist want him to have PT but they keep saying he doesn't need it. Urggh!!!
Larry's vision is continuing to improve. He is encouraged with that. He seems really good today. We continue to create an environment that is stress free. Thanks again for the prayers and meals. They are a blessing!!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Larry's Update - Monday, 5/11/09
Larry saw little improvement with his right arm/leg this weekend. He says it's like they weigh a ton. He tires easily. He got a couple phone calls today which he appreciated. It's good for him to hear from people.
We see his primary care physician tomorrow so we will know more what to expect after that. I'm not sure if we will be seeing the neurologist this week or not. We'll know more tomorrow. He will see the Physical Therapist on Friday to start therapy. I haven't heard from the Occupational or Speech Therapist yet.
By the way, Larry said my drawing below was pretty accurate -- just more clear than he sees, but he said I got the picture (pardon the pun).
We see his primary care physician tomorrow so we will know more what to expect after that. I'm not sure if we will be seeing the neurologist this week or not. We'll know more tomorrow. He will see the Physical Therapist on Friday to start therapy. I haven't heard from the Occupational or Speech Therapist yet.
By the way, Larry said my drawing below was pretty accurate -- just more clear than he sees, but he said I got the picture (pardon the pun).
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Larry's Update - 5/8/09
Larry still did not feel good this am. He's having a sluggish feeling in his right arm and leg. Not a loss of strength, more of a delayed reaction to movement.
We saw the Ophthalmologist this AM. He said that Larry's eyes were still perfectly normal. His vision has not worsened, which is good. Larry described to the doctor and to me what he sees. This is my best description of what he sees. Note, he sees this way out of both of his eyes. He sees multiple ghost images plus a disto
rtion that tends to get larger the farther right the object is. The distortion is much greater than this as he can barely identify the letters or objects to the right, but I'm not that great of an artist. Everything to the left of his focal point is perfect. He has a tendency to walk into objects on his right if he is not careful.
After seeing the eye doctor, we stopped by the neurologists office and the nurse took a look at him. She was not concerned with his symptoms and said that is very normal for stroke victims. I think this helped Larry to know that.
Then we saw his medical doctor in the afternoon and that doctor said that he was not concerned with Larry's symptoms. He tested Larry's right side and found nothing alarming. He wants to see Larry Tuesday or Wednesday as a followup to his BP. He said, even if they found something else, his treatment would be the same. Larry asked him if his sleep apnea could be adding to his BP, etc. Doctor said yes and ordered a sleep study test. He also recommended continuation of Occupational, Physical & Speech theraphies.
Pray for Larry as he adjusts to the meds and deals with all the appts.
We saw the Ophthalmologist this AM. He said that Larry's eyes were still perfectly normal. His vision has not worsened, which is good. Larry described to the doctor and to me what he sees. This is my best description of what he sees. Note, he sees this way out of both of his eyes. He sees multiple ghost images plus a disto

After seeing the eye doctor, we stopped by the neurologists office and the nurse took a look at him. She was not concerned with his symptoms and said that is very normal for stroke victims. I think this helped Larry to know that.
Then we saw his medical doctor in the afternoon and that doctor said that he was not concerned with Larry's symptoms. He tested Larry's right side and found nothing alarming. He wants to see Larry Tuesday or Wednesday as a followup to his BP. He said, even if they found something else, his treatment would be the same. Larry asked him if his sleep apnea could be adding to his BP, etc. Doctor said yes and ordered a sleep study test. He also recommended continuation of Occupational, Physical & Speech theraphies.
Pray for Larry as he adjusts to the meds and deals with all the appts.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Larry's update 5/7/09 PM
Larry stayed all day and I spoke to the medical doctor this afternoon and was advised that they are trying to get his BP under control and they seem to finally have a handle on it. If a change in meds doesn't work, then they will send him to a kidney specialist as they have had great success controlling high BP with that type of doctor. Go figure? Also, they want him to check in with their office tomorrow to have a BP check.
Larry was advised he'd been released around 4:30pm. So I left work early to go get him. After watching a 10 minute video on strokes, we packed up his stuff and headed home. We've hauled more stuff home than a week's worth of vacation souvenirs. Anyone need rubber gloves??? I have two boxes!!!
Larry is feeling very, very groggy. He hates that feeling so he is NOT happy. Pray he adjusts well to the meds and that they do not affect him in a bothersome way. Thank you for your prayers & meals!
Larry was advised he'd been released around 4:30pm. So I left work early to go get him. After watching a 10 minute video on strokes, we packed up his stuff and headed home. We've hauled more stuff home than a week's worth of vacation souvenirs. Anyone need rubber gloves??? I have two boxes!!!
Larry is feeling very, very groggy. He hates that feeling so he is NOT happy. Pray he adjusts well to the meds and that they do not affect him in a bothersome way. Thank you for your prayers & meals!
Larry's update 5/7/09
Well, we had quite a day yesterday. I went to work at the GCC Library, which is my usual for Wednesday AM. Met my friend Julie for a movie and when I got out at 3:15pm I had a voicemail message from Larry. Larry called the doctor because he woke up from a nap feeling funny. The doctor told him to call 911. I called the hospital right away but they had not arrived yet so I headed that way. Larry sounded pretty calm on the phone so I wasn't too terribly worried. I got to the hosptial ER and found Larry in the hallway where he stayed until 12:30am (this morning). They did bloodwork, a CT Scan and an MRI. Everything showed no issues. But the doctor kept him overnite because his BP is so high. It was 202/124 when the paramedics brought him in. It was down most of the day but then it went up again a little in the evening. They can't figure out why it's so high. Doctor wanted to play it safe. I went home to check on Nathan and to get dinner (around 11:00pm).
Pray they find out why his BP is so high. I think they are going to try different meds.
Pray they find out why his BP is so high. I think they are going to try different meds.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Larry's Update - 5/3/09
Larry has been doing great these past few days. Friday night he went with us to the Marietta Diner to have dinner with Nathan, his date, Cija Smith
, and Cija's mom before they went to the prom. Larry did very well considering all the chaos there. He said he got to a point where he just tuned out all the commotion and was able to deal with all the noise that way. I don't think Nathan knew what to think with Larry being so much less social than he usually is. It seemed strange. Usually he's the one doing the talking.
This week we see the Medical Doctor and the Ophthalmologist. Pray those appts go well. Larry's eyesight continues to improve slightly. He seems to notice the most improvement when we are out driving on the freeway. Larry has been taking walks in the neighborhood which does him good. He always calls me before he goes for a walk and he tells me that he carries his ID, medical insurance card & a note with my name and phone number on it when he goes. Is this man prepared, or what? Thank you again for all of you who are preparing meals and praying. They are greatly appreciated.
This week we see the Medical Doctor and the Ophthalmologist. Pray those appts go well. Larry's eyesight continues to improve slightly. He seems to notice the most improvement when we are out driving on the freeway. Larry has been taking walks in the neighborhood which does him good. He always calls me before he goes for a walk and he tells me that he carries his ID, medical insurance card & a note with my name and phone number on it when he goes. Is this man prepared, or what? Thank you again for all of you who are preparing meals and praying. They are greatly appreciated.
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