Larry has rehab at Emory 3 times a week, (I'm working 2 days a week). I could use help taking him to Emory especially dropping him off on Wednesdays. I would still like to be able to work in the Library but Wednesday rehab prevents this unless I can get someone to take him. If you are interested, please let me now. I can bring him to church and you can take him from there. I'll pick him up from Emory.
Nathan got his license back -- yeah -- so that is one less person I have to tote around. Amen!!! My mom is here until mid August. Please pray for the interaction between all family members and my mom. It can be difficult at times.
Larry has had extensive evaluations at Emory including one by a NeuroPsychologist. We will receive the results of that evaluation on Thursday, 7/16. This will tell us where Larry is psychologically and show his ability to work, etc.
Larry mostly struggles with short term memory loss. He remembers people's names now with little trouble. Most people can barely tell he had a stroke. He still struggles with day to day processes and remembering where he puts things, etc. It takes him a long time to do things. They are working with him at Emory to improve this. He feels like he works so hard all day long and gets nothing done. Pray for him.

Larry's ability to handle multiple things and what I call "Chaos" has greatly improved. He even managed to plan me a 50th Birthday Celebration which was so nice. I do not have any pictures yet of that event so I can't post them. If anyone took pictures, please send them to me. I forgot my camera!!! He attends church now and likes to go to the mall or Walmart to watch people. For some reason, the activity of watching people stimulates his vision and it improves every time he goes. If anyone ever wants to take him to the mall for an hour or so, please contact us. Larry's moods have also evened out and we have fewer up and down days.
Larry had a follow-up visit with the Opthamologist a week ago. His vision has GREATLY IMPROVED. They did a "Field-of-Vision" test and where originally (immediately after the stroke) half of his vision was missing, now only maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of his vision is impaired -- it's mostly distorted. This is huge. He still has another 3 months where he could greatly improve.
Next week we meet with the Neurologist and Medical doctor. I'll update you once these appts have happened.
Thank you all for your prayers and concerns.